Yazar, trader, horgeneral, Türk Silahsız Kuvvetleri Başkomutanı, Yokluk Fonu reisi, Hıyanet İşleri Başkanı, kuş pezevengi, düş hekimi, hayal taciri, borsa peygamberi, parayolları genel müdürü, parabulucu, kültür aristokratı, üstün korkaklık madalyası, beyaz zenci, haymatlos, tektuşconi, heccav, beisicumhur, meritokrasi, ekomünist, futbolog, sütkolik, arbitraj, satranç, snooker, müzik, briç, body building, kafes dövüşü. Yedi kitabımı da google.books'a yükledim.
Pazartesi, Aralık 02, 2024
A paragraph from Gazilerle Niyaziler
I don't want to trivialize words like bombastic writers, I don't want to describe our breathing, our steps, etc.; since they have nothing to say, they take refuge in the mask of style, they increase the abundance of ornate sentences, they trite the description. I am not ungrateful, so I don't mean Western Bloc writers; fancy sentences reinforced with parentheses are a disease specific to Easterners, even if they think they are modern, Turkishness has permeated them everywhere.
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