Cumartesi, Kasım 02, 2024

Bir buçuk senedir mecburen ara verdiğim ağırlık antrenmanlarına 29 Ekim 2024 salı günü başladım, 2 Kasım 2024 cumartesi itibarıyla durum böyle, baklavaları çıkarıp çıkaramayacağımı önümüzdeki aylarda göreceğiz.

Güncel kredi notlarımız ve 2001'deki notlarımız👇

Religion is being traded in Turkey

All religious officials, including imams, muezzins, and religious affairs officials, must live off donations from the public; none of them should be allocated a salary, housing, or a car. This is what is done in Arabia, the cradle of Islam, and in other religions; religion is being traded in Turkey.

Sunken Turkey

I have never seen such a high cost of living in my life; some people have become terribly rich, while the overwhelming majority have become poor.

Jewelers know the value of gold

Because of the anti-democratic system in Turkey, I worked on English to death, improved my vocabulary, and finally got to the point where I could translate my works. When my books are published in a foreign language, everyone will understand what a swamp this country is. I am not claiming, I am shouting the truth: I am by far the best Turkish writer of all time, and also the best satirist. Jewelers know the value of gold, I did not bother to translate for nothing.

Ağırlık antrenmanının faydası

Kırklareli'nde ev sahibi evi satılığa çıkardı, keriz bulamayınca İstanbul'dan babası gelmek istedi, hiç ısrar etmedim, her şeyde hayır vardır dedim, çünkü mahrumiyet bölgesine benziyordu, imkanları yetersizdi, o nedenle spor salonu üyeliğimi yenilemedim, İstanbul'da sadece yürüyüş fırsatı buldum, derken bir buçuk senelik aradan sonra 29 Ekim 2024 salı günü ağırlık antrenmanına başladım, bugün, 2 Kasım 2014 cumartesi günü semeresini gördüm, nizami 14 barfiks çektim. Kırklareli'nde 16 barfiks çekiyordum, bence daha fazlasını da başaracağım, bomba gibi bir vücutla hicret edeceğim.

Cuma, Kasım 01, 2024

Hazine sıfırı tüketmiş olmalı ki vergi sürekli artırılıyor, yeni vergi icat ediliyor. Verginin vergisi olsn stopaj 2.5 puan daha artırılmış, net getiri kuşa dönmüş. Elbet TÜİK rakamlarıyla memur ve emekliye iyilik (?!) yapılır. 👇

I will go to Kenya to listen to such songs, even if I am eaten by crocodiles or lions, I will not be sad, I will find solace in the songs I listen to.

We are cowards

We Turks think of ourselves as very brave, but we are cowards, even in a fight we do not dare to fight one-on-one and on equal terms, we attack in groups or use cutting, piercing, firearms. Fighting is primitive, let's forget that, we can't criticize people with positions or money, we can't express our ideas that contradict the official ideology. Europeans do not resemble us, a seventy-year-old woman can stand up to a big mafia man, and besides, Magna Carta and the French Revolution prove that they are millions of light years away from us. I am translating my books into English, then I will find a publisher, probably get a permanent visa, live among people I resemble, write until my last breath, read the books I was deprived of because of censorship.

Perşembe, Ekim 31, 2024

We must find another leader

Turkey will definitely go to early elections, the more we delay, the more damage will be done. We must get rid of Erdoğan, we must find another leader. I can't write about Turkey's economic situation because there is no freedom of expression. Turkey has not seen a worse leader than Erdoğan.

We should go to early elections

Turkey is governed very badly, a more talented government can be formed from any high school. Early elections are necessary but the current damage can't be repaired.

Salı, Ekim 29, 2024

If Turkey can regress, I consider it to have progressed.

Ecevit, Demirel, Erbakan, whom we constantly criticize, were much better than today's leaders. Turkey was governed so badly that if we could go back 25 years, I would consider that we have progressed a century.

29 Ekim 2024

Bir buçuk senedir ağırlık antrenmanlarına ara vermiştim, çünkü Kırklareli'nde ev sahibi evi önce satılığa çıkarttı, sonra İstanbul'daki babası yerleşmek istedi, lümpenle muhatap olmama prensibim gereğince göçebe hayatı sürdüm, burada da uygun ortamı bekledim, bugün altı aylık ücreti peşin ödedim, karın kası hayalimi gerçekleştirmek için ilk adımı attım. Cenabıtotem niyaz eylerse 13 Mayıs 2025'de altmış yaşında olacağım, o günkü görünümümü burada paylaşacağım. Şu anda İngilizce çeviri ve egzersize odaklandım, borsa dahil her şeyi arka plana attım. Destur de ya iblis!

Pazartesi, Ekim 28, 2024

Serinledi havalar, bana kaldı buralar!


The picking was over, the shepherds were sorted and pulled, the creaking of the gurgling engines had stopped; the new crop of hazelnuts was being mixed and dried on tarpaulins and linoleums spread out in the threshing floors. My toothless uncle rode around like a horse in his navy blue jeans and noiseless boots during the day, he took his radio with him at night, which broadcast with interference, he slept on the canopy and protected the crop with his rust gun. We were enjoying a barbecue on an evening when cicadas were chirping and frogs were squealing, we were fanning the glowing salmon, we were eating the ground meat pitas we had roasted, when a pure white ghost appeared, making squeaky sounds like a metal object. My uncle Idris, whom my father called my wicked brother, was soldering the tools; he, my unqualified aunt and their lice-infested children ran away screaming, sparking coal pieces and tongs scattered around. I approached the image with a childish lack of anger and in a very calm manner. The creature in the form of a ghost had thrown a white sheet over itself, put its arms around the raised part, looped it and became scary, it was constantly moving, made strange gestures at me, supposedly to scare me, I responded calmly, even grabbed my left wrist from under with my right palm like a basketball referee making a deliberate foul signal, challenged the ghost by moving my fisted left arm up and down from my wrist. The fishermen call this rudeness a blasphemy. The ghost had come face to face with a fearless fighter; I realized that he was sweating like he had seen a dragon and that his face had turned to lime, I threw myself on him and knocked him down. The person dressed in white sheets and playing so animatedly was the renegade Mesut. Consequently, the reckless Ekrem defeated the trickster Mesut. They called Mesut the postman because of his espionage; when the trickery of the swindler was revealed, he became a laughing stock, and from that day on, his name became the Hortlak. I understood the situation when the field mouse that haunted the warehouses was exposed; those who said that the demons were real were plotting.


When I started writing, I had determined foreigners as my target audience, I had contacted countless translators, they said they would not interfere with finding a publishing house, they wanted 10-15 thousand pounds and euros per book. I had been reading English novels for years, I was aiming to increase my repertoire to 70-80 thousand, I did not dare to translate, I started recently, I was astonished, I am translating in a way that I could not imagine, if I can publish it and reach the masses, extraordinary developments can happen. Well, I have no financial expectations, if I could settle in a modern country, I would even live in a doghouse, I would realize my literary projects one by one. I literally went crazy, I even deleted the stock market from the notebook, I am as excited as I was in primary school, because I had felt blind, deaf and mute since birth, now I have entered a slave mode with the hope of liberation from captivity, my feelings can't be explained, they must be experienced.

Pazar, Ekim 27, 2024

What do foreigners say about Turks?

I wonder what foreigners think about Turks? Do they say that we are an intelligent, honest, hardworking, reliable, honorable, characterful, knowledgeable, peace-loving, science-loving, thought-producing race? Has a survey been conducted on this subject?

Demek ki futboldan anlamayan iş adamları rantiye yüzünden başkanlığa hevesleniyorlarmış. Beşiktaş harici kulüplerde neler olduğunu anca cenabıtotem bilebilir. 👇


If any book enthusiast knows the e-mail addresses of publishers who publish satirical novels and essays and would like to write, I would be happy. It can be published in English, German, French, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, but I translate from Turkish to English.

17 Şubat 2025