Cumartesi, Ekim 12, 2024

We are poisoned

Many illnesses that we think are headaches, migraines, colds, high blood pressure are caused by eating spoiled and stale food, in other words, we are poisoned.

#bizim Borsayı belli hisselerle yukarı çektiler, ötekilere bastılar. Türkiye'nin en güçlü gruplarından Yıldız Holding'e ait Bizim'in usd grafiğini paylaşayım, vahameti anlayın, sayısız örnek var, fakat çok sağlam bir firmayla tezimi destekleyeyim dedim.

My books

Actually, I should be drowning in money, right now I am one of the best writers and even comedians on this planet, unfortunately I live in the wrong geography, my mother, brother and relatives who should be my biggest supporters have become my biggest enemies, the ruling power wants to drown me in a spoonful of water anyway. If I can get one of my books published in English, it will continue, be translated into other languages, it will be a hit.

Özelleştirilecek kuruluş kalmadı, vergiler sürekli artırıldı, müsrifliklere yetmedi, yeni vergiler icat edildi.👇

Cuma, Ekim 11, 2024

How is the world governed?

I have read thousands of books including Marxist publications, I don't know about those that were not allowed into Turkey due to censorship, I discovered a truth that wasn't written in the works I read with my own mind: Politicians don't have initiative, they don't govern, they carry out the orders of the ruler. I can't express my opinion on whether the dominant power is local billionaires or global bosses, because it would mean a universal exploitation system, things would get complicated, it is best not to get into that subject. The real ruler establishes parties, assigns people he approves, the government and the opposition collude, we think it is real. I am not talking about a system specific to Turkey, things work like this everywhere on earth.

We are heroes

Everyone praises themselves and says, "I warned them, I predicted it beforehand." We Turks have such a disease, we show even our mistakes as successes.


Turkish people are generally very ignorant, but I can say that stockbrokers are even more ignorant. I have known thousands of stockbrokers, the overwhelming majority of whom do not even know how to calculate financial values. For example, ninety-nine percent of stockbrokers can't calculate market value. In this case, they can't value the shares, can't say whether they are cheap or expensive, and therefore they lose.


When we think of heroism, we think of hitting, breaking, destroying, beating. Is this what heroism is?


In Turkey, intelligent, knowledgeable and honest people are feared, or rather hated.

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We glorify those who can be workers or receive unemployment benefits in Europe, but we fail to see their incompetence.

The stockbroker

To be successful in the stock market, you need to be highly intelligent, otherwise the stockbroker will be milked like a cow.

We are ruined under the AKP government

If Turkey could go back 25 years, I would consider it a century ahead.

Borsacı daha şimdiden ciyaklamaya başlamış.

Stupid liars

There are many stockbrokers who claim to have made a profit for the people even though they have been losing money throughout their lives; they are so stupid that they even believe this lie.

This is my idea

There is no difference between capitalism and socialism, both are based on money, an unknown power creates money, establishes a virtual organization called the state and rules people.

Land of Heroes

In Turkey, ninety-five percent of the population, excluding women and children, are heroes, and heroism has become a kind of profession. If the people could return to normal, life could also return to normal.

High jump world record

A Muslim who says that the world record for high jumping belongs to Cuban Sotomayor with a height of 2.45 meters is committing a sin, because the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, went to the seventh floor of the sky and came back, meaning he jumped millions of kilometers high.


The reason for a religion's existence is to emphasize that other religions are fake; if there are a hundred different religions, at best one is true.

When did the devaluation begin?

The devaluation started at the end of business hours on November 8, 2016, that night the USD gained over two percent against the lira, while the Euro and other currencies gained over four percent. I understood that this was the beginning of the devaluation, because Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım made a huge blunder, he announced that the movement was due to the increase of the dollar against other currencies, but the opposite happened, as can be seen in the parity chart, the USD lost over two percent against other currencies.


When the USD was 2.90 lira, Prime Minister Yıldırım said, when the USD was 3.40 lira, President Erdoğan said to the public, "sell dollars, buy lira", campaigns were organized, citizens who exchanged 100 USD got on the public bus for free, but a maddening devaluation occurred, the currency rose for more than seven years. Yıldırım and Erdoğan said, "foreign forces attacked the Turkish economy", the issue was never discussed in public, I did not see anyone else writing about it.

Borsa 2024'de çöktüğü halde şu ana dek 30 şirket halka arz edilmiş, durumlarını görüyorsunuz, borsacı isyan ediyor. Halka arz piyasayı daha da kötüleştirir, çünkü derinlik kaybolmuştu, gelebilecek para öyle emildi. 👇

Perşembe, Ekim 10, 2024

The truth is bitter

The more stupid you are, the more money you lose in the stock market.

Büyüklüğü mü işlevi mi önemli? Siz 7200 liraya değer vermezsiniz ana ben borsanın yüzde 1.84 çakıldığı günde o miktarı büyütürüm. Yok aslında birbirimizden farkımız, sizde olmayan zeka bende var, o da önemsiz bir faktör, siz şanssızlığınızdan kaybediyorsunuz, ben ballıyım. Not: Ekstre yayınlamayacağım demiştim, fakat binde bir görülecek bir hadise olduğu için bloğuma kaydettim, burayı bir nevi hatıra defteri sayıyorum.

I will send this e-mail to foreign publishing houses I started translating Horgeneral this evening.

Hello, I am a Turkish writer Şenol Onay, I write satirical novels and essays, despite the incredible barricades set up against dissident ideas in Turkey, I was able to publish seven of my books, but they prevented me from reaching readers. It is foolish for a person to praise himself, but there are scientific criteria for literature, its content and style can be examined, its vocabulary can be measured. I have no doubt that my writing skills are far beyond Turkey, I want my works to be published in as many different languages ​​as possible. The humor level of my satirical novels is very high, I sometimes fall into a laughing coma at the sections I read for the hundredth time, but Turks get angry at those sections, everyone takes my criticism personally. If you wish, I can translate one of my satirical novels into English and send it to you. I have no doubt that it will be a hit with the intelligent masses. With my best wishes...

Lübnanlılar gündem olunca hatırladım. Bir Lübnanlı tanıyorum, evini dev Türk bayraklarıyla doldurmuş, fakat Türkiye'nin cep telefonunu kullanmıyor, Lübnan'dan aldığı hatla idare ediyor, evine internetten Arap kanallarını izlemek için ev interneti bağlatmış. 👇

Am I right?

Isn't it dishonorable for someone who has not been able to make real profits from the stock market to give advice to someone else?

Çarşamba, Ekim 09, 2024

İyi yapmışlar

Party members

There are hundreds of municipal clubs in football, basketball, volleyball and other branches, and the people's taxes are not used for services, but are transferred to party members.


It is accepted in Islam that there are thousands of prophets, it is said that there are between four thousand and forty thousand. Islam emerged in 610, and no new prophets have been seen for 1414 years. Why did the shower of prophets stop?

These people deserve to starve

In reality, although annual inflation exceeded one hundred percent, civil servant pensions were increased by 19.31 percent for the second six months of the year, and no retirement organization held a protest rally. These people deserve to starve.

Pull-ups make my hands so calloused.


Terrorism means fear and horror, anyone who arouses these feelings in the public is a terrorist, they may be wearing a tie or armed.


Turkey has been experiencing a severe economic crisis for years, the inflation storm has lasted for more than seven years, inflation is out of control, but the public has not held a protest meeting, and the economic crisis has not even been discussed on social media. Puppets are producing artificial agendas and distracting the citizens.


No tests are administered to candidates for members of parliament, whereas students take a number of exams to pass a class, and there are even exams for janitors.

Salı, Ekim 08, 2024

All innovations

All innovations in Turkish history were dictated from top to bottom, and no steps were ever taken from the bottom.


Öte dünyaya gidiş için otoban ihalesi yapılsaydı ve bu iş Türk hükümetine verilseydi yanmıştık, fahiş ücreti ödeyemeyip de cehennemlik olanlar görülebilirdi.


Some people love their country very much, my father also loved my mother very much but he committed immoral acts, and in the end I was born.

Don't trust anyone!

Don't trust anyone, I trusted my father, I entrusted my mother to him, he did such disgraceful things that I was born.

So true!

Because we are Turkish and Muslim, we don't cheat, we don't lie, we don't deviate from honesty, so all products are reliable and everyone can be trusted.

Telekom'da neler oluyor?

Altı gün önce, perşembe akşamı, yeni telefon numarası aldım, sadece üç kişiye bildirdim ama az önce beni aşağidaki numaradan aradılar, makine konuştu, kapattım, engelledim. Telekom vermediyse bu noyu kim bilebilir? 0850 9010627

So interesting

Ninety-nine percent of the people in Turkey are heroes and never make mistakes, yet things are getting worse in every field.


In Islam, Allah said interest was forbidden but inflation was not forbidden, in other words, He protected the rich and promised heaven to the poor. He also said that the previous three religions were correct, and emphasized that he changed his mind frequently. Although drinking wine and beer was allowed in previous religions, He forbade Muslims to drink alcohol, and in the same way, He ordered women, whose heads were uncovered in previous religions, to cover their heads.

Pazartesi, Ekim 07, 2024


There is no unfinished story, that is all there is to the story.

Who am I?

The biggest fall in the history of the Turkish Stock Exchange occurred in the 2008 global crisis, I made a profit and paid taxes even one day before the tax was lifted in the stock exchange that year. If you investigate that person, you will learn my identity.

I loathe the stockbroker

I loathe the stockbroker so much that I don't comment on any of the cheap stocks that I don't want to make money for him.

The only one

I saw only one person in my mirror who made real profit in the stock market, I didn't hear the second one. Hundreds, thousands of stockbrokers, commentators, analysts claim to have made a profit, they are all lying, waiting for an opportunity to scam.


Football, basketball, volleyball, ... I watched thousands of matches in the stands, I never went to an international match, yet I lived in the capital Ankara and Istanbul for nearly thirty-five years. There is no chauvinism in my nature, I have looked coldly upon nationalist movements since my childhood, I have remained as neutral as a stateless person.

I have no doubt

I have no doubt that in the future my satirical novels and essays will be published in foreign languages and will attract great attention. I am one of the best writers in the world and I create very good humorous novels.

The common god

Money is the common god of humanity, it enslaves everyone, but we don't know who can produce it, in what quantity and on what basis.


Genius isn't doing something better than anyone else, it's doing something no one else can do.


By burning books, they are illuminating the darkness and saying that they have attained enlightenment.

Mummified corpses

Mummified corpses can maintain their original shape for centuries, meaning none of their organs go to heaven or hell.

Pazar, Ekim 06, 2024


A drunk person curses the other person's mother and wife, but he does not curse his own family, and does not allow others to curse him. How can he be that drunk?


Since the Turkish Lira is not traded on forex, local billionaires periodically devalue it, make huge profits, and politicians say that foreigners are attacking the Turkish economy.

The most beautiful country

I think Türkiye is the most beautiful country in the world, because when you leave here you feel like you have gone to heaven, no other country can give you this feeling.

Who are you kidding?

They fall in love with beautiful girls; no one looks at the blind, the lame, the squint-eyed, the ugly hag; even intelligence and knowledge are not important, only physical appearance is important. So, they will take the lover to bed, extinguish his lustful desires, and they do not care about any other factor. They describe their pure feelings as love, but since I'm a sucker, I believe them. I was quite handsome when I was young, I had the latest model cars, I did sports like an animal, I had incredible muscles, even in those days I valued brains and culture in girls, so I never fell in love with any of them, but even if she was very ugly, if I met a wise girl, I would worship her like a goddess.

You will see

In March or April I will have better abs than the young people on the covers of magazines, or rather I will define them with a diet and achieve this with a completely natural diet, I will not use vitamin pills, let alone supplements. I will be 60 on May 13, I will share my photo and pull-up video on YouTube at that time. I can do 13 regular pull-ups now, I lived a nomadic life last year, I could not train for ten months, I am increasing the weights slowly, I am not in a hurry. I could not have imagined this performance at this age thirty years ago, I drink a liter of milk a day, there were years when I drank three liters, it may be the effect of casein, I recommend milk and boiled eggs to everyone.


Topa benzeyen gövdeleri haricinde futbolla alakası olduğu anlaşılmayan yorumcular sadece penaltı ve ofsayt pozisyonlarını tartışıyorlar, hakemleri suçluyorlar, futboldan anlamadıkları için teknik eleştiri yapamıyorlar.

Kalite farkı

"TÜİK enflasyonu düşük gösteriyor, ücretli ve emeklinin maaşı azalıyor," diye sızlanıyoruz. Pekala, sendikaların, sivil toplum örgütlerinin, muhalefet partilerinin suçu yok mu? Niçin halk örgütlenmiyor, protesto mitingi düzenlenmiyor? Vatandaş da suçlu, hak aramıyor. Magna Carta 1215, Fransız İhtilali 1789 İngilizlerle, Fransızlarla aramızdaki kalite farkını belgeliyor. Sıkıysa İngiltere'de, Fransa'da, Amerika'da oldubitti yapsınlar. Siz de biliyorsunuz, mümkünatı yok!


Yazdıklarım ve yazamadıklarım nedeniyle hicret etmeliyim, olabildiğince fazla dilde yayınlatmalıyım, birkaç yıl sonra geç kalabilirim, önümüzdeki mayısta altmış yaşında olacağım. Şimdi elim ayağım tutuyor, Türkiye çok pahalı oldu, başka bir ülkede de idare edebilirim, zaten yiyecek ve barınma masrafım dışında bir harcama yapmıyorum. Kalıcı vize alabileceğim ve İngilizce konuşulan bir ülke olmalı, düşünsel mevzularda gelişmesi gerekir. Aslında burada ilk etapta üç hiciv romanımı çevirtsem ve internet üstünden yayıncıya ulaşsam önüm açılabilir, senelerden beri bunu başaramadım. Çevirmenler korkunç meblağ (10 bin USD altında rakam söylenmedi,) istiyorlar, üstelik yayınevi bulma konusuna karışmayız, diyorlar. Şimdi ben de İngilizceye çevirebilirim, ne ki zamanım yok, projelerimi kaleme almalıyım önceden de yayıncılar tanıtım şartı koşmuştu, sosyal medyada vakit kaybetmiştim. Coni'nin son aylarında lümpenle irtibat kurmuştum, telefon numaramı perşembe günü değiştirdim, siktiriboktan heriflerle bağı kestim, en büyük silahım olan yalnızlığa kavuştum, aklımı ve zekamı maksimum randımanla kullanabilirim, belki çözüm üretebilirim. Borsayı, arbitrajı unutmalıyım, tamamen bu meseleye odaklanmalıyım, yaratıcılığımla çare bulabilirim!

17 Şubat 2025