Yazar, trader, horgeneral, Türk Silahsız Kuvvetleri Başkomutanı, Yokluk Fonu reisi, Hıyanet İşleri Başkanı, kuş pezevengi, düş hekimi, hayal taciri, borsa peygamberi, parayolları genel müdürü, parabulucu, kültür aristokratı, üstün korkaklık madalyası, beyaz zenci, haymatlos, tektuşconi, heccav, beisicumhur, meritokrasi, ekomünist, futbolog, sütkolik, arbitraj, satranç, snooker, müzik, briç, body building, kafes dövüşü. Yedi kitabımı da google.books'a yükledim.
Perşembe, Ekim 10, 2024
I will send this e-mail to foreign publishing houses I started translating Horgeneral this evening.
Hello, I am a Turkish writer Şenol Onay, I write satirical novels and essays, despite the incredible barricades set up against dissident ideas in Turkey, I was able to publish seven of my books, but they prevented me from reaching readers. It is foolish for a person to praise himself, but there are scientific criteria for literature, its content and style can be examined, its vocabulary can be measured. I have no doubt that my writing skills are far beyond Turkey, I want my works to be published in as many different languages as possible. The humor level of my satirical novels is very high, I sometimes fall into a laughing coma at the sections I read for the hundredth time, but Turks get angry at those sections, everyone takes my criticism personally. If you wish, I can translate one of my satirical novels into English and send it to you. I have no doubt that it will be a hit with the intelligent masses. With my best wishes...
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