Cuma, Kasım 01, 2024

We are cowards

We Turks think of ourselves as very brave, but we are cowards, even in a fight we do not dare to fight one-on-one and on equal terms, we attack in groups or use cutting, piercing, firearms. Fighting is primitive, let's forget that, we can't criticize people with positions or money, we can't express our ideas that contradict the official ideology. Europeans do not resemble us, a seventy-year-old woman can stand up to a big mafia man, and besides, Magna Carta and the French Revolution prove that they are millions of light years away from us. I am translating my books into English, then I will find a publisher, probably get a permanent visa, live among people I resemble, write until my last breath, read the books I was deprived of because of censorship.

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17 Şubat 2025