Yazar, trader, horgeneral, Türk Silahsız Kuvvetleri Başkomutanı, Yokluk Fonu reisi, Hıyanet İşleri Başkanı, kuş pezevengi, düş hekimi, hayal taciri, borsa peygamberi, parayolları genel müdürü, parabulucu, kültür aristokratı, üstün korkaklık madalyası, beyaz zenci, haymatlos, tektuşconi, heccav, beisicumhur, meritokrasi, ekomünist, futbolog, sütkolik, arbitraj, satranç, snooker, müzik, briç, body building, kafes dövüşü. Yedi kitabımı da google.books'a yükledim.
Çarşamba, Ekim 23, 2024
A paragraph from the Horgeneral
When I arrived at the stadium, I said to the officer at Gate A, “Brother, my mother just got sick and was taken to the emergency room, her condition has become urgent, she was already partially paralyzed, she could die at any moment. It is our duty to take care of her, I want to inform my brother who is inside. The rascal has a season ticket, he always sits in the same place. If you allow me, I will leave my ID card with you to get on the way back, I will get it back when I get back.” The kind-hearted officer said, “Oh, get well soon, I know the urban problems caused by lack of communication, since you should leave your ID and go in,” I was going inside, but I was going to the officer at Gate B to exit, “Brother, I parked my car in the wrong place in the chaos, the police may give me a ticket or tow. If you give me five minutes, I will park in a proper place and come back,” I said. When the officer said, “Okay,” I was going out, I stopped by the officer at Gate A again and said, “Brother, unfortunately I could not find my brother, can you give me my ID card?” Of course, I would take my ID and enter through Gate B with my arms and legs waving. If I weren’t a match addict, I could have survived this dishonor. How? Who died from double exaggeration? This time, if I had said to the attendant at Gate C, “Brother, I suffer from high blood pressure, I think it has reached nineteen, my vision is going black. I need to go to a competent internist’s office, I have a herniated disc and I walk around without a corset. Poverty has bent my back. If you do your brother a favor, the money I paid for the ticket won’t be wasted. I could have sold it to one of the people in the queue on the black market, but I tore it up. Let me go, the next fan will pay me the fee he would have paid the attendant at the ticket booth in cash, the fractional amount is yours, okay, my beautiful brother?” If I had said, the attendant would have probably believed my lie and said, “Okay, don’t worry, don’t forget to drink sour lemon, may God grant you a speedy recovery.” However, I did not condescend to this playfulness; watching the matches for free was more than enough for me. As a result, the bill for my food and drinks at Ibrahim's pub was a drop in the ocean compared to the amount I had to pay for the match tickets. Not to mention the fact that he kept my dress in a safe wardrobe, my patent leather shoes and silk socks on the shelf of the silver dresser, and my condom in the drawer of the safe! If an auctioneer had seen the locked safe, he would have thought we were hiding the empress's ruby ring.
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