Cumartesi, Ekim 26, 2024

My opinion

I think the Turkish stock market, VIOP, warrant and forex market are managed by a single source. I understood this formation years ago, the few weeks of increase in 2019 was an exception and was widespread, apart from that, BIST was pulled up by high-weight stocks in the index, the overwhelming majority of the others made losses according to real inflation. Do stocks that have made ten, twenty, fifty, a hundred times the premium in USD terms constantly increase? The billionaire stockbroker should have realized the profit and switched to the ones that remained cheap, but that did not happen at all. In that case, a single company controls this world, since the stockbroker can't sell at a loss, his money is used as interest-free loans. The people are robbed in devaluations that are made at certain intervals, if the Turkish Lira were traded in forex, this suffering would end, the Turkish people would be relieved. I am not claiming that the stock market is subsidized by money printed in the mint, some people understand it that way, however, I developed a thesis with my intelligence. I can list many stocks here that are close to their historical lows in USD terms, moreover, some of them are included in very strong holding companies and are shown among bright companies. The abnormal increase in newly offered companies despite such a terrible environment also confirms me. These are my personal views, I have no proof!

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