Cumartesi, Mart 01, 2025

I am sharing a sentence from my third satirical novel Errorist. I definitely believe that I am a world-class writer, philosopher, humorist, and I have other talents, for example, if I were not a soldier, I could be an international star football player. I should also add my epic talent in the stock market, if I had not robbed the people who robbed people in real life in the virtual world, I would have starved and lived on the streets. I made a profit even during the 2008 global crisis, when the biggest fall in the history of the stock market took place, and I paid taxes even on the four days when the tax was abolished. I played simultaneous chess, I was successful in many sports, let me not go on and on. I am one of the most talented people in this country, I am among those with the lowest income. I can be happy only if my stomach is full, but I am not blind, I can see this distorted order.

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