Yazar, trader, horgeneral, Türk Silahsız Kuvvetleri Başkomutanı, Yokluk Fonu reisi, Hıyanet İşleri Başkanı, kuş pezevengi, düş hekimi, hayal taciri, borsa peygamberi, parayolları genel müdürü, parabulucu, kültür aristokratı, üstün korkaklık madalyası, beyaz zenci, haymatlos, tektuşconi, heccav, beisicumhur, meritokrasi, ekomünist, futbolog, sütkolik, arbitraj, satranç, snooker, müzik, briç, body building, kafes dövüşü. Yedi kitabımı da google.books'a yükledim.
Cuma, Kasım 15, 2024
The fashion of closing markets during Friday prayers has resurfaced, women do not go to Friday prayers, in other words, both religious tyranny is being carried out and women are being humiliated. What wouldn't I do to be saved from the hell of Turkey? There are perhaps a hundred different religions and beliefs, so they all accuse the others of being fabrications, at best one is right, and there is a possibility that the materialists are right.
Çarşamba, Kasım 13, 2024
I have a terrible hunger for knowledge
I have a terrible hunger for knowledge, I am probably one of the few people who read the most books in Turkey, but I know that I am completely ignorant, because there is unprecedented censorship here, I think that everything I know to be true, especially history, may be wrong, if I can settle abroad, I will immerse myself in uncensored and didactic works, I will gain some knowledge in the world I came to ignorantly.
Take notes!
If I could leave Turkey and settle in a modern country, I would never look back, I would not go back even if I knew I would die, I would not talk to any Turks abroad, I would write in English until my last breath.
Şenol Onay is coming, get away!
I will be sixty in six months, this is the first time I have come this close to my ideal of emigration, which has been my biggest dream since the first year of high school. I know that I am a world-class writer, but I am ignored in Turkey because of my satirical nature, honesty, diligence, talent, white skin, and brown eyes... The sale of my books (I uploaded all seven to Google Books, I secured them) was blocked, and now I can't even find a publisher. I can finish the translation of the first of my seven books, Horgeneral (a satirical novel), in a few weeks, I am as excited as a baby, I will look for a publisher after I finish it, if I can find one, I won't worry even if I die. If I can translate my other books and get them published, and also if I can get a permanent visa and settle abroad, I will be the happiest person in the world, maybe I will go crazy with joy. I really want to reach the British, French, Americans, Japanese, Germans and Russians, because only a jeweler knows the value of gold.
Israel has never attacked any state throughout its history, and in order not to talk about the economic crisis, people are told that Israel may attack Turkey; the president recently made such a claim, and last night the Minister of National Defense said the same thing.
If I were to list the unconsciousness and ignorance of the Turkish people, it would take two volumes to write, and I have already given examples in my works consisting of essays such as Reziliazam, Deliminator and Paramatör. For example, let's take Atatürk, who is forbidden to be criticized. Every Turk worships him or seems to worship him, considers him a symbol of Turkishness, but no one knows the family tree of his parents. In Reziliazam, I put forward concrete claims based on some documents.
The Prime Minister is talking to Ekrem Cesur. (Quote from Horgeneral)
When media people want to make a snobby administrative officer a hero, contrary to popular belief, they organize an attack campaign, his collaborators scold the man, and then the guy is acquitted and gains trust. You know that we eliminated the other parties on the combined ballot paper due to the irregularity of the election system, and that we came to power with an overwhelming majority despite receiving thirty percent of the votes. Cadre-based politics is a tradition for us, once you sit in the seat, you lead until you become bedridden or pass away, and you unconditionally place sycophants in your cortege with their faults and merits.
Pazartesi, Kasım 11, 2024
Uzun zamandır video çekmiyordum, bugün siftah ettim.
Pazar, Kasım 10, 2024
Books enlighten the surroundings, the more books you burn, the more the world becomes enlightened.
I will achieve more with my pen than Ernesto Che Guavera did with a gun, as long as my books are published in foreign languages and reach intelligent audiences. I can't express my ideas about the formation in Turkey, there is no crumb of freedom of expression. I am sure that I am by far the best Turkish writer of all time, but I can't find a publisher here, this is what it has become. This society is sick but pretends to be intelligent, it ignores the statements of foreigners about us. Access to tens of thousands of websites and news has been banned, cigarettes and drinking glasses have been banned on television. Young people can only see naked women and men pictures by using VPN, corruption is constantly increasing.
Can an intelligent person live in Turkey? I don't know, even if I knew I couldn't write because of the heavy sanctions. TÜİK announces inflation as half the truth, the salaries of civil servants and retirees are increased by that rate, and as a result, the purchasing power of the citizen is constantly decreasing. The strange thing is that TÜİK keeps the basis of its figures as a state secret and does not share the data it is based on with the public. These things don't happen in countries like England and France, because the people there showed character with the French Revolution and Magna Carta. Although Turkey has been experiencing a severe economic crisis for ten years, not even a small protest meeting has been held, and the government has not been changed.
Cumartesi, Kasım 09, 2024
Cuma, Kasım 08, 2024
Perşembe, Kasım 07, 2024
Turkish women's national volleyball team
We are having a Cuban female volleyball player play for the Turkish national team in return for a fee, and we attribute the successful results to the determination and talent of Turkish women.
Çarşamba, Kasım 06, 2024
Stupidity is constantly increasing
For centuries, geniuses have been murdered and imprisoned, and as a result, their lineages have become extinct, and humanity has regressed in terms of intelligence.
The bitter truths
They are emptying the people's wallets, reducing the salaries of civil servants and retired civil servants with fraudulent inflation figures, creating absurd agendas so that the economic crisis is not discussed and no one can hold protest rallies, and thus stalling the people.
Salı, Kasım 05, 2024
The great wall of China
The Great Wall of China is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. So, who is the real architect of this work? Whose attack did the Chinese take such precautions against?
Mal varlığı beyanına dikiz
"Meclis'te mal varlığı beyanı yapılıyor mu, ciddiyetle inceleniyor mu?" sorularına yanıt aradım. Cumhurbaşkanı en yüksek maaş alan memur olduğu için onu örnekleyeceğim, şu anda 183 000 tl, yani 5327 usd aylık alıyormuş. Yirmi iki sene bu ücretle çalışsa toplamı 1 406 328 usd eder, bir buçuk milyon doları bulmuyor. Pekala, hiç mi harcamayacak, çoluğuna çocuğuna, kendi boğazına masraf yapmayacak mı? Son derece tasarruflu olsa dahi 500 bin dolar biriktiremez, haksız mıyım? Milletvekilleri ve belediye başkanları bu biçimde mercek altına alınırsa daha sağlıklı bir fikir edinebiliriz.
Ümit Özdağ'ın iddiası
Bana mantıklı gelmedi,Ersever emekli olunca müstear asla kitap yazmıştı, Perinçek'in gazetesinde yazan Soner Yalçın ile uzun bir röportaj yapmıştı, o gazetede yayınlanmıştı, kitap olarak basılmıştı. Ersever o günlerdeki demeçleri yüzünden askeri mahkemeye verilmişti, İstanbul'da Suriye uyruklu ve tıp fakültesi terk bir kız ile çatı katında yaşıyormuş, sadece itirafçı M. ile irtibat kuruyormuş, eşinden ayrıymış, Ankara'ya askeri mahkemede ifade vermek üzere gelmiş, oldukça tedirginmiş, o haliyle panele katılması düşünülemez. Üçlünün cesetleri Ankara'da üç ayrı noktada, Ersever'in ÜÇGENDEKİ TEZGAH adlı kitabına vurgu yapar gibi bulunmuştu.
There is a strange situation, it seems that we are faced with imposition. When the football team fails for three weeks, we change the coach, but we can't change the party and its leader that created wreckage in twenty-two years.
Pazartesi, Kasım 04, 2024
Pazar, Kasım 03, 2024
In the current situation, no one can freely determine their religious beliefs, a certain method of worship is imposed on everyone. It is illogical to write that a few days old baby is Muslim on his/her ID card, then let him/her vote. Making religious lessons compulsory is also tyranny, in addition, not only Islam but also all religions and even the theses defended by atheists and materialists should be taught with equal weight in the curriculum, especially it is unacceptable to declare only the Sunni sect. Unfortunately, the people are being herded like sheep.
Cumartesi, Kasım 02, 2024
Religion is being traded in Turkey
All religious officials, including imams, muezzins, and religious affairs officials, must live off donations from the public; none of them should be allocated a salary, housing, or a car. This is what is done in Arabia, the cradle of Islam, and in other religions; religion is being traded in Turkey.
Sunken Turkey
I have never seen such a high cost of living in my life; some people have become terribly rich, while the overwhelming majority have become poor.
Jewelers know the value of gold
Because of the anti-democratic system in Turkey, I worked on English to death, improved my vocabulary, and finally got to the point where I could translate my works. When my books are published in a foreign language, everyone will understand what a swamp this country is. I am not claiming, I am shouting the truth: I am by far the best Turkish writer of all time, and also the best satirist. Jewelers know the value of gold, I did not bother to translate for nothing.
Ağırlık antrenmanının faydası
Kırklareli'nde ev sahibi evi satılığa çıkardı, keriz bulamayınca İstanbul'dan babası gelmek istedi, hiç ısrar etmedim, her şeyde hayır vardır dedim, çünkü mahrumiyet bölgesine benziyordu, imkanları yetersizdi, o nedenle spor salonu üyeliğimi yenilemedim, İstanbul'da sadece yürüyüş fırsatı buldum, derken bir buçuk senelik aradan sonra 29 Ekim 2024 salı günü ağırlık antrenmanına başladım, bugün, 2 Kasım 2014 cumartesi günü semeresini gördüm, nizami 14 barfiks çektim. Kırklareli'nde 16 barfiks çekiyordum, bence daha fazlasını da başaracağım, bomba gibi bir vücutla hicret edeceğim.
Cuma, Kasım 01, 2024
I will go to Kenya to listen to such songs, even if I am eaten by crocodiles or lions, I will not be sad, I will find solace in the songs I listen to.
We are cowards
We Turks think of ourselves as very brave, but we are cowards, even in a fight we do not dare to fight one-on-one and on equal terms, we attack in groups or use cutting, piercing, firearms. Fighting is primitive, let's forget that, we can't criticize people with positions or money, we can't express our ideas that contradict the official ideology. Europeans do not resemble us, a seventy-year-old woman can stand up to a big mafia man, and besides, Magna Carta and the French Revolution prove that they are millions of light years away from us. I am translating my books into English, then I will find a publisher, probably get a permanent visa, live among people I resemble, write until my last breath, read the books I was deprived of because of censorship.
Perşembe, Ekim 31, 2024
We must find another leader
Turkey will definitely go to early elections, the more we delay, the more damage will be done. We must get rid of Erdoğan, we must find another leader. I can't write about Turkey's economic situation because there is no freedom of expression. Turkey has not seen a worse leader than Erdoğan.
We should go to early elections
Turkey is governed very badly, a more talented government can be formed from any high school. Early elections are necessary but the current damage can't be repaired.
Salı, Ekim 29, 2024
If Turkey can regress, I consider it to have progressed.
Ecevit, Demirel, Erbakan, whom we constantly criticize, were much better than today's leaders. Turkey was governed so badly that if we could go back 25 years, I would consider that we have progressed a century.
29 Ekim 2024
Bir buçuk senedir ağırlık antrenmanlarına ara vermiştim, çünkü Kırklareli'nde ev sahibi evi önce satılığa çıkarttı, sonra İstanbul'daki babası yerleşmek istedi, lümpenle muhatap olmama prensibim gereğince göçebe hayatı sürdüm, burada da uygun ortamı bekledim, bugün altı aylık ücreti peşin ödedim, karın kası hayalimi gerçekleştirmek için ilk adımı attım. Cenabıtotem niyaz eylerse 13 Mayıs 2025'de altmış yaşında olacağım, o günkü görünümümü burada paylaşacağım. Şu anda İngilizce çeviri ve egzersize odaklandım, borsa dahil her şeyi arka plana attım. Destur de ya iblis!
Kayıtlar (Atom)
Errorist is very funny, I am in a laughing coma, it was my third satirical novel, when I finish this one I will start translating my essays....