Çarşamba, Ekim 16, 2024

The turtle

The turtle can only move forward when it takes risks, that is, when it puts its head out.

Salı, Ekim 15, 2024


Why does God send the prophets one by one? Couldn't He have assigned a team of people such as the assistant of the prophet, the press spokesman, the person responsible for non-religious affairs?

Metro FM

Metro FM favori kanalım, saatlerce dinliyorum, güzel parçayı sözünden arıyorum, buluyorum ama demin linkini paylaştığım şarkıyı çok zor bulabildim, Kenya kabile dilinde söylenmiş. 🤭

Şarkı kopyalamayı deniyorum.


Borsaya ilgim neredeyse bitecek

İngilizceye öyle daldım ki borsayı neredeyse boşladım, çok büyük ihtimalle bu ay sonunda ekranı kapatırım, önümüzdeki aylarda kitaplarımı İngilizceye çeviririm.

Did you see?

Everyone curses and insults each other, but up until this age, I have never seen or heard anyone swear at someone who takes or gives a bribe, or who gives someone a privilege.

When does the space age begin?

If Turkey were to establish dominance throughout the world, other states would be devastated, incredible taxes would be imposed, and citizens would build colonies in space to escape.

Don't force God to cheat

Some athletes pray in the middle of the field before the games, hoping to attract God's attention and make him treat his fellow servants unfairly. Would God fall for this trick? He certainly treats all of his servants equally.

Land of heroes

In America, England and France, a hero emerges every few centuries, in Turkey everyone except women and children is a hero, yet we are falling apart in every field.

Pray but not bray

A faithful stockbroker does not feel sad at his loss, God does not like the rich anyway, we can fill our stomachs with bread and tomatoes, and be thankful for our situation.


Ministers and bureaucrats are being replaced, but the person actually responsible for the failures remains in place.

Pazartesi, Ekim 14, 2024

Our country is full of genius

I do not express my opinion or make suggestions on a subject that I do not know or have not researched in depth, but there is no subject that the people of my country do not know and do not claim to be experts on.

Huge income to the treasury

We have produced tremendous talents in the flattery sector, if we use some of them for export purposes, we can provide huge income to the treasury, there will be no need for new taxes.

Rebul perfume

I haven't been able to find Rebul brand perfume for months, the market sells awful scents.

İstikamet Karacaahmet!

I criticized the government's economic policies in all my books, I said the direction is Karacaahmet, we will go to a moratorium. The course of events confirms me.

I have been a traitor since the beginning

There is an immutable rule in Turkey: The party that seizes power declares all oppositionists as traitors.

Investment advice

It would be more logical to invest in the chicken's ass rather than in stocks, because the price of eggs increases by more than a hundred percent every year.


There can be no more altruistic and generous person than a politician; he spends large amounts of money to serve the people.

If you are rich

If you have property and wealth to protect, you either make laws or have children.

Pazar, Ekim 13, 2024

National shooter

The public does not know the reason why our national shooter is on the agenda. I read English tweets that day, it was said that our shooter does not wear modern glasses, does not wear headphones, shoots with his hand in his back pocket with an indifferent attitude and despite these deficiencies, he wins a medal. This fact was hidden from the public, it was presented as if he became popular because of his aiming style.

The one who insults will be held accountable when the time comes.

I took the insults directed at the lieutenants personally but did not speak out due to the current conditions. I was particularly disturbed by the rudeness written about the girl who was the top student of the term. In chess, you don't checkmate without seeing the checkmate, because you lose a move and are defeated. When the tide goes out, the ants eat the fish, when the tide rises, the fish eat the ants. Today also has a tomorrow.

Metro FM

Listening to Metro FM while lifting weights can be very dangerous, the fast-paced music gets people excited, personally I would get excited, increase the weights too much, maybe have a heart attack.

We must be alert

Citizens think that a brokerage firm employee, a technical analyst, or an economics professor is a very knowledgeable person, but ninety-nine percent of them did not have a bright student background, they wanted to be a doctor or an engineer but failed. We can understand their capacities even from this reality. It may sound a bit megalomaniac, but it is true. I can see a thousand times more through a wall than they can with a telescope. Their dreams can't be a tenth of my reality.


The abnormal increase in taxes is a tip to those who understand, they say we are going to a moratorium. Of course I am talking about Nicaragua, where did you think it was?

I was a fool

I used to be such a fool that I didn't know it. In amusement parks, a pack of Marlboro cigarettes would be given to anyone who converted three penalties into goals. I forgot the prices, I think I was buying a ticket for a third of the price of cigarettes, I was taking penalties for about half an hour, I was collecting cigarette packs because I was a legendary penalty taker, but since I didn't smoke, I was giving them all away to people, I thought I was making money, but I was spending a lot of money. When I was this stupid, I would be milked like a cow in the stock market.

Psikolojik çözümleme

İnsan kendi vasıflarına benzer konulara ilgi duyar zannediyordum, kafes boksunu, dövüş sahnelerini sevmemi güç ve ağırlık antrenmanları yapmama bağlıyordum, aksi halde boksu bile sevmeyeceğimi düşünüyordum ama bu teorimin yanlışlığını anladım, çünkü savaş sahnelerini, kurşun sıkmayı hatta kılıç düellolarını sevmiyorum, oysa vaktiyle müthiş atıcıydım, yine de silahlardan, (topu, tankı dahil) huylanıyorum. Buradan psikolojik çözümleme yaptım, ilgi alanı başka faktörlerden kaynaklanıyor.

Vergiye bak!

Kredi kartı limiti 100 000 tl üzerinde olan 62 milyon adet kredi kartı olduğu yazılıyor, her birinden 750 tl vergi alınınca 46,5 milyar tl, 1.356 milyar usd yapar. Korkunç para!

Son bir yılda yeni arzlar hariç (bir yılı dolmadığı için listede getirisi 0 sayılmış,) toplam 293 hisse eksi performans sergilemiş, gerçek enflasyonun yüzde 100 civarında olduğu düşünülürse kaybın boyutu daha iyi anlaşılabilir. Borsa 11 Ekim 2023'de 8330 kapandı, 11 Ekim 2024'de ise 8876 kapandı, yani şeyli hisselerle yüzde 6.554 prim yaptı. 👇

Coward society

We are a cowardly society, we don't express our thoughts honestly, we say that if we remain silent, we won't face any problems. Can a healthy person be raised in a climate of fear?

My goal

I have only one goal: I want to leave Turkey and settle in a modern country, I will write in English until my last breath, I will have my satirical novels and essays, which I wrote before but could not reach enough readers due to obstacles, published in other languages.

Turkish televisions

I feel sorry for those who watch matches on Turkish television, if it weren't for the UEFA ban, even goals wouldn't be shown because of the advertisements. The names of football, basketball and volleyball teams change every year, the sponsor company's name is used. The overwhelming majority of presidents and managers don't have a career as athletes, and the announcers and commentators don't know how to talk, they just say "eee meee" for a long time.


Ninety-nine percent of those who appear to be oppositionists in Turkey are doing so on purpose, the organization is established from above, roles are distributed. The real oppositionist is not brought to the fore in the public eye, even if he creates masterpieces, he is ignored.

We are Eastern

We Turks have a disease specific to the Easterners, we drink tea at every opportunity, even speakers who appear on television can't live without tea. Tea makers are employed in workplaces, in a bank branch the tea maker is considered more important than the cashier.

Cumartesi, Ekim 12, 2024

We are poisoned

Many illnesses that we think are headaches, migraines, colds, high blood pressure are caused by eating spoiled and stale food, in other words, we are poisoned.

#bizim Borsayı belli hisselerle yukarı çektiler, ötekilere bastılar. Türkiye'nin en güçlü gruplarından Yıldız Holding'e ait Bizim'in usd grafiğini paylaşayım, vahameti anlayın, sayısız örnek var, fakat çok sağlam bir firmayla tezimi destekleyeyim dedim.

My books

Actually, I should be drowning in money, right now I am one of the best writers and even comedians on this planet, unfortunately I live in the wrong geography, my mother, brother and relatives who should be my biggest supporters have become my biggest enemies, the ruling power wants to drown me in a spoonful of water anyway. If I can get one of my books published in English, it will continue, be translated into other languages, it will be a hit.

Özelleştirilecek kuruluş kalmadı, vergiler sürekli artırıldı, müsrifliklere yetmedi, yeni vergiler icat edildi.👇

Cuma, Ekim 11, 2024

How is the world governed?

I have read thousands of books including Marxist publications, I don't know about those that were not allowed into Turkey due to censorship, I discovered a truth that wasn't written in the works I read with my own mind: Politicians don't have initiative, they don't govern, they carry out the orders of the ruler. I can't express my opinion on whether the dominant power is local billionaires or global bosses, because it would mean a universal exploitation system, things would get complicated, it is best not to get into that subject. The real ruler establishes parties, assigns people he approves, the government and the opposition collude, we think it is real. I am not talking about a system specific to Turkey, things work like this everywhere on earth.

We are heroes

Everyone praises themselves and says, "I warned them, I predicted it beforehand." We Turks have such a disease, we show even our mistakes as successes.


Turkish people are generally very ignorant, but I can say that stockbrokers are even more ignorant. I have known thousands of stockbrokers, the overwhelming majority of whom do not even know how to calculate financial values. For example, ninety-nine percent of stockbrokers can't calculate market value. In this case, they can't value the shares, can't say whether they are cheap or expensive, and therefore they lose.

The turtle

The turtle can only move forward when it takes risks, that is, when it puts its head out.