Cumartesi, Aralık 07, 2024


Bluesky adlı bir platform duydum, eski twitter yöneticileri tarafından kurulduğunu öğrenince hesap açtım.

Salı, Aralık 03, 2024

Enflasyon düşmüyor, iktidar değişmiyor, borsa U30'daki belli hisselerle yukarı çekiliyor. Erdoğan ile olmuyor, 22 senede Türkiye hayli geriledi, fakirleşti. CHP de iyi bir alternatif değil, demek ki ilelebet sürüneceğiz. Enflasyonu düşük açıklıyorlar, ücretli ve memurun maaşına az zam yapılıyor, bütçeye kaynak yaratılıyor, yani çarçur edilen para memura, işçiye, emekliye fatura ediliyor.

Gazilerle Niyaziler (it means veterans and those who died in vain)

We said it was necessary on the passenger road, and threw ourselves into the canyon full of windings. We were going to defend the homeland with young workers who flew like partridges in the scrubland, who hopped like antelopes, but whose citizenship was forgotten except when they were preparing their tax returns; while the patriots who were resting in their mansions on the Bosphorus after the previous night's prostitution, entertainment and all the pleasures they were addicted to were stretching themselves stupidly. When they fought for sovereignty, the homeland belonged to the farmers and workers, when it came to the cream of the crop, the homeland belonged to the bankers, I had never bothered about this reality until that moment. (Gazilerle Niyaziler, it means Vveterans

Pazartesi, Aralık 02, 2024

Birinci ayın sonunda durum böyle oldu, baklavaları dilim dilim dilimleyeceğim, 13.05.2025'de 60 yaşına gireceğim, o gün yine fotoğraf çekeceğim.

A paragraph from Gazilerle Niyaziler

I don't want to trivialize words like bombastic writers, I don't want to describe our breathing, our steps, etc.; since they have nothing to say, they take refuge in the mask of style, they increase the abundance of ornate sentences, they trite the description. I am not ungrateful, so I don't mean Western Bloc writers; fancy sentences reinforced with parentheses are a disease specific to Easterners, even if they think they are modern, Turkishness has permeated them everywhere.

Pazar, Aralık 01, 2024

1 Aralık 2024

Üç aylık maaşım

Üç aylık maaşımı aldım, 56 263.54 tl olmuş, öncekine göre 97.34 tl azalmış, oysa hastaneye gitmedim, neden kesinti yapıldığını anlayamadım. TÜİK'in inandırıcı olmayan enflasyon rakamlarıyla ücretlilerin ve emeklilerin maaşları azaltılıyordu, herhalde ilave vergiler icat edilmiş. Aylığım 18 754.513 tl, 540.631 USD oluyor, ye ye bitmez!

Cuma, Kasım 29, 2024

Salı, Kasım 26, 2024

Ömrümce aşağıdaki çita gibi hareket ettim, ders çalışsaydım belki Türkiye birincisi olabilirdim

Bir yarış için bir çitayı ve köpekleri ayrı ayrı hazırladılar. Ama yarış günü çita yarışmak istemedi. Fotoğrafta köpekler ile çita arasındaki hızlı yarış görülüyor. Amaç kimin en hızlı olduğunu görmekti. Çitanın yerinden kıpırdamamasına herkes şaşırdı. Yarış koordinatörüne ne olduğunu sorduk. Bu resmi gördükten sonra şu cevabı verdi: Bazen çok iyi olan en iyi olduğunu kanıtlamaya çalışmak hakarettir. Gücümüzü göstermek için başkalarının seviyesine inmemize gerek yok. Dikkatli düşünün ve enerjinizi yapacağınız şeye saklayın. “Çita hızını yalnızca avlanmak için kullanır, köpeklere en hızlı ve en güçlü olduğunu kanıtlamak için değil." National Geographic World..

Pazartesi, Kasım 25, 2024

I will send an e-mail to foreign publishing houses like this

Two paragraphs from my second humorous novel, the veterans and those who died in vain (Gazilerle Niyaziler)

Despite the north wind, I was as hot as a seagull chasing after its prey. If my best friend hadn’t said, “There’s Ms. Sengul, there,” I would never have guessed that the acupuncturist Emel-looking, jacketed, gathered-skirted and stylish lady could be our dietician. The strikingly beautiful beauty had a lace magazine in her hand, so she was skilled at crocheting lace and interested in different motifs in sewing; the budgie tattoo on her left wrist had faded. A Kamasutra book or a book explaining Taoist sex techniques would suit a monument of clothing of this caliber. I call her a woman like pith; she was bursting with lewdness, striking figure, polished nails, kohl-painted eyelashes, and especially her pink lipstick. I should have prostrated myself before the engineer who designed the rare lip pencil. The swaggering babe had more than the frivolous concubines of the Ottoman palace, she had no less; a man who would seduce her would have to eat mesir paste every day. There was not a gram of excess fat on her firm body, but I will not speak in advance, as I have never seen her naked. She was in her early thirties, brown, with luscious wavy hair hanging down to her waist, her manicure and pedicure were perfect, her sex appeal was pushing the limits, she was wearing a seductive blouse, her breasts looked like anti-aircraft missiles and could excite even mad dervishes. I had become mentally ignorant with the lust of a well-groomed quail. She saw us too, smiled friendly, her thighs jiggled as she approached us. “Hello,” I said, “Honey, where have you been? I was looking for you,” she replied. She looked me in the eye as if she were going to eat me. Her gestures were so informal that I thought sportsman Metin had slept with her many times. I said to Ali Kemal, “Anyway, sift the valuable documents, let our worthless jewel gain value,” meaning you can go now, and I winked at him without letting her know. “Yes, Ms. Sengul, I am listening,” I said, but the airy woman replied, “Come on, let’s meet in my room.” I followed the dietician who was leading the way, may I be sacrificed for the magnificent curves of her hips, she was swaying like a city line ferry sailing in the south-west wind. When we got to the room, my blood pressure had skyrocketed, my pulse was around 150 beats per minute, “Just keep your shorts on, can you lie down on your back here,” she said. I said to myself, “What a strange thing this is, the woman is really into sex, she is really horny, she is going to hurry up the crack, she is going to scratch my balls with my dick. I will take off my underwear like I am peeling off a banana peel, so she can see what it means to dress with a low-cut dress,” and I lay down on my back. The attractive woman gave the impression of a typical saxophonist, I thought she would take off her bustier in a minute and we would fuck, but I was wrong. She attached some cables to my feet, I don't know if they were copper, wire or plastic. I thought the insatiable woman was a masochist, that she used me as a test bed, that she would give me a current to satisfy her perverted passions, and that she would whip me later, but I was wrong in my guess. About a minute passed, "I weighed the analyzer result, your body fat percentage was twelve percent last time, now it's down to eleven percent. There is no doubt that you are balanced with vegetable oil, your photogenic appearance confirms this, you look wiry, congratulations,” he said. “You are a dick enthusiast, you are becoming a bitch, if you had lice in the mountains, you would be skinny,” I couldn’t say; “I follow the program consisting of carbohydrate, protein, mineral combination to the letter, thanks to you I am as thin as a carbine,” I flattered. There was a trick in my nature, I was still hoping that we would make love, that I would probe her very tight vagina. My manners do not allow me to say how vulgar I have become, but as a clue, I will say, “It is a Chinese thing, a Japanese thing, two people doing this, one male, one female, plug and play, finish the job,” so that the wise can understand, and let them mate in jacuzzis with geishas who are not resistant.


Pazar, Kasım 24, 2024

Unbelievable things are happening!

I will be sixty in six months, I am currently doing the most important work of my life, I am working more intensively than ever, as if I am disconnected from the world, I live in another world and I am racing against time. When I translated my first book into English, I went crazy with joy, because it was a utopian goal for me, I did not waste time looking for a publisher on the internet, I started translating the second one, I am going full speed ahead, I will not stop until I translate all seven into English, then I will write the projects in my notes in English. My final goal is to settle abroad and have my books published in foreign languages, then I will not worry even if I die.

Cumartesi, Kasım 23, 2024

Twitter, facebook, whatsapp, yahoo

Twitter Elon Musk aldıktan sonra tamamen değişti, adı bile x oldu, kuş logosu kaldırıldı, ücret karşılığı üyelikler başlatıldı, hesaplar kolayca kitlenmeye, askıya alınmaya, erişime kapatılmaya başladı, bence oranın sonu geldi, aklı başında biri zaman harcamaz. Mesela ben asıl hesabımı senelerden beri kullanmıyorum, çünkü inanılmaz bir yere döndü, artık birine direkt mesaj yollayamıyorsunuz, hatta gönder tuşuna bastığınızda hesabınız kitleniyor. Google ve iştiraklerini çok beğeniyorum, twitter o holdinge aitti, bu blog, gmail, youtube da onların, oralarda kendimi özgür hissediyorum. Facebook ve iştiraki olan whatsapp'a da güvenmiyorum, bence her dalevereyi yapabilirler. Yahoo da fırıldakçı, mailimi göz göre göre uçurdular, sayısız girişimime rağmen açmadılar. Görüşlerimi aktardım, dikkatli olun, google ve bağlıları haricindeki yerlerde tedbir alın.

Kılıçdaroğlu acayip laflar etmiş. 👇

Cuma, Kasım 22, 2024


I opened a fake account on Twitter to search for foreign publishing houses, last night when I sent a direct message to a publishing house, my account was locked, I opened it after a difficult test, I wrote under someone's post, my account was locked again, I opened it again but I closed the account because I understood that there was no stopping on that platform.

Perşembe, Kasım 21, 2024

Turkey's dire situation

The ruling party officials said that countries like America, England, France, Germany were jealous of Turkey, millions of party members believed this. While the real inflation was 150 percent in my opinion, TÜİK announced it as 85 percent, in that environment the Central Bank reduced the interest rate it lent to banks to nine percent, then to eight and a half percent, the deposit interest rate of savers remained below twenty percent, as a result inflation got out of control; since civil servant, worker and pension salaries were determined according to TÜİK inflation rates, the purchasing power of wage earners eroded, and it became very difficult for tenants to survive. Turkey's foreign debts also swelled, and while there was such a dire economic outlook, millions of Syrians, Afghans, ... refugees were allowed to cross the border into Turkey, and no one probably knows the number.


Errorist is very funny, I am in a laughing coma, it was my third satirical novel, when I finish this one I will start translating my essays....